About last year, and what to expect in 2022
What do we think of 2022
From a business perspective, we would be very happy to keep the 2021 growth trend. In 2022 the growth and need for standardization and demand for Best Practices continuous.
But we are more than hopeful for our future! Nowadays digital exams are the norm. Which is a great advantage for us since we excel in digital exams. Learning keeps being relevant and a life-long-learning attitude is required now more than ever from professionals.
As ever Van Haren is collaborating with the world best experts, on subjects that sometimes still have to become a common good.
Helping organizations to solve common problems, now and in the future. It gives us energy, and we can’t wait to see what this year will bring us!
About 2021
To state the obvious, this year has been another different year than normal. Last year we closed with ‘never waste a good crisis’ by Winston Churchill. The new normal that is being set creates forces us to adapt. In that perspective, it has been a relatively good year for Van Haren Publishing and Learning Solutions.
Van Haren Publishing
For many years leading in best practices and new standards, we have several new books published, just to name a few
- The Turning Point: A Novel about Agile Architects Building
- Dit is kunstmatige intelligent,
- Digital Information Design (DID) Foundation,
- Open Agile Architecture™ – A Standard of The Open Group,
- Successful Digital Transformation,
- Data Waarde Creative,
- Agile Scrum Handbook 3rd edition
- Scrum Pocketguide 3rd edition, and
- many others. The publications are a foundation for many of our other products and services, and in the end, intended to improve business processes for our customers.support.vanharen.net
As they say, practice what you preach, this summer we made a big improvement in our service level by launching our supportive environment. Our support has always been personal and is now also standardized and coordinated.
Van Haren Learning Solutions
started good, winning the tender or the Netherlands AI Coalitions certification. The NL AIC is a public-private partnership in which the government, the business sector, educational and research institutions, as well as civil society organizations collaborate to accelerate and connect AI developments and initiatives. The certification has been launched this November and will be one of our main focus points this year.
Early last year our collaboration with CATS CM, reached a new level. When we additionally start offering their exam besides the books via Van Haren Publishing. CATS CM is growing fast and becomes ‘The European’ approach for Contract management.
Another certification is Certified BIO Professional (CBP) which is doing great numbers. other new certifications labels of 2021 are ISM (Service Management) ISM, p3.express, and Masters of Growth (more will follow).
Also, the BIAN Banking Architecture certification had a full revision, and if we have to believe the feedback to great effect.
AI Is the future
This year we launched a new certification ”NLAIC AI For business and government exam”. The Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) AI for Business & Government Certification is positioned as the standard for working professionals who wish to leverage Artificial intelligence (AI) in their business environment. Providing a solid grounding on AI good practices and establishing a common language will result in significant benefits.
We have made tremendous steps in our examination delivery. If you ask Maurits van der Plas (Director Learning Solutions) to elaborate. You better reserve an hour or two for the dialogue.. If you summarise it you could say; faster, better, nicer etc. We can’t start to say what’s best. But the custom social badge feature is something else :).
Van Haren Community
The Van Haren Community is growing including its features, we will be the first to admit that there were more challenges than we expected. Mainly the dilemma of (free) accessibility vs. security has been a subject we have been dealing with. Slowly but steady we are improving the environment and some brake though releases are planned. (see link)