Demo pilot a training

Plan a demo training and pilot our content

Try it out!

Experience the Difference in Quality! We firmly believe in the significant value we bring to our partners. Collaborating with us often leaves partners wanting more. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your experience.

Try it out for yourself, and we’re willing to back our claims with action! Schedule a demo today and witness the difference firsthand.

Request your pilot training here

Conditions to the demo/pilot training

  • The Van Haren Group sponsors training content including books, courseware and possible exams.
  • Partner commits to meeting the accreditation requirements prior to giving the training
    • This includes being an Education Partner (EP) or Accredited Education Partner (AEP) with Van Haren Certify.
    • The courseware and books are limited to the digital (ebook) version of the material.
    • For Van Haren Certify exams to be included in the demo, the Accredited Education Partnership status is required.
  • One pilot training per 6 months, per organisation.
  • Quantity of candidates is limited to 12 participants per training maximum.
demo training

How to make the most out of your pilot training

  • Upload the training and date on your website, take enough time to also organize marketing and possible accreditation details.
  • Invite your top leads to participate in the training, possible for free. So they may intern increase adoption of the training by promoting it within their organisation.
    • Your costs to offer the training are lower que to our sponsoring. This might compensate you so you can enable these leads to participate.
  • Use a good trainer so word of mouth effect can ensure more participation.
  • If you have space left, invite potential other trainers to participate so you can leverage them as trainers in the future.
  • Post about the upcoming course on social media, tag people like the trainer and the Van Haren Group and others to ensure people share the message and motivate others to participate.