Review of the IT Asset Management Train The Trainer – Session 1 including an overview of SAM & HAM (2 hours)

In this 2 hour train the trainer session we start by briefly introducing the various certifications by Rolf Velthoven who acts as the moderator during this session.

Introduction ITAMOrg

Jesper Ostergaard then allocates introduces about ITAMOrg and the several recourses and chapters that they have. Jesper also highlights the career paths that can be enabled with them in combination with other specializations


About Van Haren Learning Solutions 
After Jesper, Maurits van der Plas introduces Van Haren Learning Solutions and the partnership models made available for Education Partners.

Cornerstones of teaching IT Asset Management
Steve Lawless, then goes into more detail about the cornerstones of IT Asset Management and where to pay attention to concerning the IT Asset Management course.

He also elaborated where you can find more examples of so-called ‘war stories’, for example, a good source would be the ITAMCHANNEL. Which is also part of ITAMOrg and can provide many examples.

Steve also elaborated a few of his own. He also made a very clear link to ITIL® 4, but also to other standards such as ISO 199700, ISO27000, SO20000 and others.


Steve also advises that at the Membership of Axelos can provide great value for those who are searching for additional ITIL/ITAM related recourses.

A brief explanation about SAM & HAM
Then he finishes with a brief explanation about the Software Asset Management (SAM) and Hardware Asset Management (HAM) courses. By explaining what to pay attention to as a trainer when intending to offer these courses, who can provide them.